Erin's Law
Health Education Curriculum
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW), formally called the Ohio Department of Education, has shared with public schools across the state Senate Bill 288. This legislation requires that health education curricula be updated to include (K-12/developmentally appropriate) prevention education information in the areas of sexual abuse and sexual violence for students in public schools.
As promised, the district is providing an opportunity for families to review the curriculum, and parents may opt their students out of the lessons if they choose. For more information from the Ohio Department of Education, click here. Instruction will be provided during the week of October 16, 2023.
7-12 Curriculum - THS will share their videos each Wednesday, in three successive weeks starting on 10/18/23
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SB 288- Student Opt-Out- Erin’s Law/SB288- Click HERE to download the FORM
I have reviewed the curricular materials for the Child Sexual Abuse, Dating Violence, and Sexual Violence Prevention Program, as required by SB 288.
I select to opt out for my child/student. Your child will receive alternative instruction.
(Student Name)____________________________________________________________,
who attends (School)________________________________________________________, in grade level_______________.
Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________________ Date:___________________
Please return the completed opt-out form to your child’s teacher or School Counselor (THS) by October 13, 2023