Resources for a Healthy Family & Community

The Talawanda School District understands that healthy learners are better learners and healthy families are better families. In an effort to provide parents, caregivers and families in our district with accessible information to promote positive mental health, the Health Coordinating Council has recommended some resources that will hopefully be beneficial to families in the greater-Oxford area.
We will continue to add resources to this site as they become available. If you have questions, concerns or recommendations regarding the resources, please contact Amy Macechko at
School Start Times Study/Discussion
Recommended Websites
Coalition for a Healthy Community - Oxford Area The vision of the Coalition for a Healthy Community – Oxford Area is to build a healthier community together. The Leadership Team and multiple workgroups of the Coalition work to achieve this goal through taking action to raise awareness, develop strategies, support initiatives and influence polices that promote a healthier community for all.
Search Institute's 40 Development Assets
The Search Institute has identified through research 40 qualities, skills, values and relationships that influence the healthy development of young people. The Developmental Assets are also included as attachments below.
Know! Tips from Prevention Action Alliance
The Prevention Action Alliance provides parents of pre-teens and teenagers tips on how to address topics related to substance use. Talking with young people about substance use is a huge protective factor in keeping young people healthy and substance-free!
American Academy of Pediatrics - 7 C's of Resiliency
The American Academy has identified 7 components that help young people cope with stress. In addition, this site offers a site for teens to develop a personalized stress management plan.
Keep Connected
A Search Institute resource for families. Find ideas, activities, and experiences to build strong families.
Butler County 24-Hour Crisis Hotline

Butler County Community Resources
Check here for resources related to housing, mental & behavioral health, employment, and other family supports.