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Employment Opportunities

All Certified and Classified Openings can be found here: Talawanda Job Postings

Certified/Licensed Positions:  

 Middle School Assistant Principal - Talawanda Middle School - for the 2025-26 SY

 Middle School Language Arts Teacher - Talawanda Middle School - for the 2025-26 SY

 Intervention Specialist - Bogan & Marshall Elementaries (split position) - for the 2025-26 SY

 Elementary Music Teacher - Bogan Elementary - for the 2025-26 SY

School Psychologist - District - for the 2025-26 SY


Are you interested in substitute teaching in the Talawanda District?   Please go to the following links to apply:

Bachelor's Degree Holders

Candidates without Bachelor's Degree

Classified Positions:   

Educational Assistant (Special Education)(Specialized) - 5.75 hours - Bogan Elementary

Custodian - 2nd Shift - 8 hours - Bogan Elementary

Food Service Worker - for the 2025-26 SY - 5 hours - Bogan Elementary

Educational Assistant (Special Education)(Job Coach) - for the 2025-26 SY - 7 hours - Talawanda High School Job Description

Educational Assistant (Special Education)(Specialized) - for the 2025-26 SY - 7.5 hours - Talawanda High School

Custodian - 2nd Shift - 8 hours - Talawanda Middle School


Substitute educational assistants, cafeteria workers and custodians are needed in the Talawanda School District. If you would like to assist in classrooms, cafeteria, or recess, please apply online here Talawanda Classified Substitute Application.

Supplemental Positions:

2024-25 Supplemental Vacancies:
Any interested applicant in a supplemental vacancy should send a cover letter, resume, and references to Athletic Director, Jake Richardson at

About Employment

2023-24 Teacher Salary Schedule

Thank you for considering employment with the Talawanda School District. Talawanda Schools provide excellent opportunities for both students and staff.  Our school community features many innovative instructional opportunities for both students and staff. Available positions will be posted on this website for interested candidates.

Certified/licensed candidates must hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree and a current teaching license from the Ohio Department of Education.

Classified Educational Assistant positions have two classifications (monitor and specialized).  Both monitor and specialized positions require a high school diploma or equivalent.  Some of the specialized classified positions (instructional/special education) require a passing score on the Paraprofessional exam, 48 semester hours or 72 quarter hours of college coursework to be highly qualified.

Other classified positions include secretaries, custodial, maintenance, and food service.

All staff and substitute staff are required to complete BCI and FBI background checks at their own expense.

If you would like to be included in our certified/licensed applicant pool, please apply online at: Talawanda Job Postings

The Talawanda School District is dedicated to the provision of equal educational opportunities and equal employment opportunities without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, or disability. This policy of non-discrimination is in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

Please direct all inquiries to the Department of Human Resources, Talawanda Schools, (513) 273-3121.

Thank you for your interest in the Talawanda School District.

Ruth Michael
Personnel Department
(513) 273-3121

Substitute Jobs Available

Substitute part-time cafeteria workers and custodians are needed in the Talawanda School District. Please apply in person at the Talawanda Board of Education, 131 W. Chestnut St., Oxford, 45056, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. weekdays.

Substitute part-time educational assistants are needed in the Talawanda School District. If you would like to assist in classrooms, cafeteria, or recess, please apply in person at the Talawanda Board of Education, 131 W. Chestnut St., Oxford, 45056, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. weekdays, or you can apply online here Talawanda Classified Substitute Application.

Current Sub Pay: Effective 11/21/24

Secretary: $13.00/hour
Custodian: $13.00/hour                    
EA: $13.00/hour
Food Service: $13.00/hour
LPN: $21.00/hour
RN: $25.00/hour

Athletic and Non-Athletic Supplemental Employment

Talawanda School uses Supplement Contracts to cover extra-curriculum activities. If you are interested, please check with each building for any vacancies. Then you can use the online form to apply for the position.

Supplemental Employment Application

Supplemental Job Descriptions

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